Blackjack Easy Card Counting Average ratng: 4,5/5 5050 votes

Blackjack Apprenticeship's 'Blackjack & Card Counting Trainer Pro' is the best way to master card counting so you can bring down the house! Blackjack Apprenticeship trains card counters who have. Learn how to count cards in Blackjack with our easy english guide. Increase your chances of winning with this strategy! Blackjack online is a free card game where the computer is the dealer and the player compete and bet to complete or get close to add 21 with the cards. Black jack or 21 is one of the most popular.

Blackjack Easy Card Counting
By shoesmith81
hi people. im looking to find a way of card counting. anyone know the best way of doing it and if there are any tips you can give the discussion that would be great. rob
1 response
@buckburger (1)
28 Feb 07
counting cards is done only with a photographic memory. some have it, some don't

Blackjack Easy Card Counting

• United States
The above response was hideously erroneous. You of course do not need a photographic memory to count cards. In fact, ANYONE can do it. It takes some time and effort to learn, but after that it comes very easy. Check out:, a great forum to learn and talk to Counters.
• South Korea
buckburger is completely wrong. Counting cards is relatively simple, search the webs theres tonnes of info on it. Basically how card counting works is you assign a value to the cards that have been played to determine your odds of getting 21 or at least beating the dealer. 2,3,4,5,6 have a value of +1, 7,8,9 have a value of 0, All of the face cards including the Ace and 10 (10,J,Q,K,A) have a value of -1. You count the value of the cards together during each hand and add or subtract next hand (depending on the next hand's cards). The general rule is that you want to bet more money on the next hand if the current count is +2 or more. If it is under +2 then you want to either walk away from the table to bet lower. I really hope this helps you. It really only takes simple math, excellent concentration and multi-tasking skills.

You can take your blackjack game to the next level by learning to count cards. this skill is easy to pick up, but quite complex to master. The strategies and legalities of this practice further complicate matters though it is not impossible to internalize the skill and use it to your advantage. If you are looking forward to making a kill at any of the best online casinos in South Africa, you can try mastering card counting in blackjack through a card counting simulator. This method helps you to practice card counting until you gather enough experience to try your hand at the real game. Visithttp://www.za4online-casino.orgfor more information on how you can win big at online blackjack.

Card Counting in Blackjack

Blackjack Easy Card Counting

Card counting in Blackjack helps you to keep track of the number of high and low cards remaining in the dealer’s deck. If you can count cards successfully, you can safely increase your bet when you know the odds are heavily stacked in your favor. Although this practice may increase your chances of becoming a millionaire at blackjacks, it isn’t a way of cheating in the game. You learn the skill as an addition to the arsenal of skillsets that can let you have a better idea of what to expect in the deck. But you need to be cautious because someone is closely monitoring your behavior at the online casino. Visit to try your luck.

Blackjack Easy Card Counting Free


Wondering whether you should or should not do it? Online blackjack is not only fun but can earn you quick money, especially if you know what you are doing. Instead of playing blindly, you can try this valuable skill of counting cards to help you get an insight of the dealer’s deck so you can raise your stake when you are sure to win. There are no laws against this practice, so you are not a criminal. However, be sure the counting takes place inside your head – not a mobile app or a card-counting device. If you get it right, you may strike gold in a single strategic game, and dash off to enjoy your earnings.

  • Don't use an app or any device for card counting - it may be considered as cheating.
  • Learning to count cards in blackjack can help you win big.

Counting cards gives you an edge over the online casino. A perfect blackjack player always has a 0.5% advantage but if you add the card counting skill, the advantage increases to 1%. You can learn how to count cards in blackjack in a few simple steps. Start by assigning values to the cards: +1 to cards number 2 to 6, 0 to cards number 7 to 9, and -1 to cards number10 to Ace. Keep a mental running count of each card the dealer pulls out from the deck using these values. If the value is negative, you can raise your stake because there will be more lower value cards left in the deck. Else, lower your bet.

Tips to help you count cards in online blackjack

Most online casinos are using software to shuffle the cards whenever a new hand is dealt to discourage card counting, but it is still possible to count cards in online blackjack. You could also use some programs to count the cards, but that would be illegal. But you can still do it from the safety of your home to reduce the risk of being caught by casino authorities. It is also important to keep an eye out on the amount of money you can play with since card counting is not a dead-sure way of winning. Online blackjack – with the prospect of winning big – may become addictive. Be sure not to throw your family savings down the drain through gambling.

How To Count Cards In Blackjack For Beginners

Some simple tips can help you stay afloat while trying pout this card counting technique. Always make your you are discreet since it becomes illegal when you use some software or device. If it were a brick and mortar casino, the staff may kick you out of the game if they catch you in the act. You may also consider trying various strategies to find one that works for you. Beginners may start with the Hi-Lo approach, and proceed to counting multiple decks when they finally master the skill. If you have been playing online blackjack without winning big, you may consider using the card counting strategy to boost your chances. Remember to keep it in your head!